Jens Thiemann

Chief Outcome Officer at unFIX
Certified Agile Leadership Facilitator at Management 3.0

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Organizational Design for
Future Proven Companies

Jens Thiemann

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Leadership Coaching and
Team Development

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Today, many companies see value in becoming agile. They want to remove bureaucracy and make better business decisions faster.
One pitfall is that they believe that becoming agile is a stable status, a fixed goal. They often implement a specific approach and introduce it like a traditional project, with meticulous planning and a timed roadmap. Read how to avoid:

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The Drama Triangle is a concept describing unhealthy interpersonal dynamics with three roles: Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer. In leadership, these roles can hinder team collaboration and growth. Leaders must recognize the Drama Triangle's importance to prevent conflicts, micromanagement, and burnout. Here is how:

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As a new manager, you are about to embark on a challenging and rewarding journey that will shape your career. Whether you feel excited or a little overwhelmed, this article is here to provide you with essential tips and guidance to help you navigate the responsibilities and expectations that come with your new position.

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Distributed teams are teams whose members do not all work in the same location. But this is not it: A truly distributed team only exists when there is no center, or centers, of work. Stefan Mintert and Jens Thiemann explain, what distributed teams and their challenges are and how to lead distributed agile teams to high-performance.

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Upcoming Workshops

Management 3.0 - Leadership

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unFIX - Organization Design

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Customer Voices

Jens Thiemann hat wunderbar durch den gesamten Workshop geführt. Es war durchweg der rote Faden erkennbar und Jens hat sehr gekonnt alle Themenpunkte mit hilfreichen Beispielen untermauert. Sehr angenehm war auch, dass alle Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit hatten ihre eigenen Punkte auszuführen und in der Gruppe besprechen konnten. Klasse Miro Board, hervorragend vorbereitet!

Hans-Jürgen Blam, Senior IT Project Manager, RailFlow
Ich kenne Jens seit vielen Jahren und schätze seine Offenheit, sowie seine zielgerichtete und emphatische Art, Projekte und Menschen zu führen.

Manuel Wohlfarth, Vice President Digital Services & Managing Director IT @ Viessmann
Very easy to follow the logic of evolution of management and the issues Management 3.0 tries to resolve. Pleasant presentation!

Andrea Exner, Team Entwickler & Agile Coach
Jens calmly and confidently leads through the extensive and complex topic. From his many years of management experience, he brings in numerous practical examples.

Stefan Mintert, Geschäftsführer Kutura Digital GmbH
Sehr engagiert, sympathisch, schönes interaktives Miro vorbereitet, Raum zur Diskussion gelassen und das "offizielle" Material bereichernd ergänzt.

Sigrid Krug, Agile Coach at AYKEY
Ruhiger und souveräner Moderationsstil - gutes Storytelling und viele nutzbringende Beispiele.

Florian Dahl, Geschäftsführer Agile Academy